
  “翊哥哥!”音儿说,“Where is the orchid! Just as I entered the garden, I smelled the scent of the orchid!(兰花在哪啊!刚才我一进花园就闻到了兰花的香味,兰花在哪啊!)”

  翊刮刮音儿的鼻子,笑着说:“Just ahead!(就在前面!)”

  “Wow! Orchid, smells good!(哇!兰花,好香啊!)”音儿说完,便跑过去,跑过去时,看到这还有勿忘我,“翊哥哥!This is how I forget?(这怎么还有勿忘我?)”

  “Forgot to tell you!(忘了告诉你了!)This is a "forget me."!(这还有种‘勿忘我!’)Do you like it?(你喜欢吗?)”

  “Love, forget me is my most love flowers!(喜欢,勿忘我是我最喜欢的花!)”音儿说。

  “Why are you so love forget me?”(你为何如此喜欢勿忘我?)翊好奇地问。

  “Because it does not smell, because it has such a moving story!”(因为它没有香味,因为它有那样动人的故事!)音儿说。

  “Could you tell me something about it?”(你能给我讲讲吗?)翊问。

  “Forget me, there is a beautiful story of the Millennium spread...... In a barren field, the wind is blowing.(勿忘我,有一个美丽的故事千年流传着……在一片荒芜的原野上,风在吹。)A man and a woman are holding on to the wind.(一个男人和一个女人,相拥着走在风中。)They hold love in their hands.(他们的手握着爱。)Fluttering skirts swing.(飘动的衣襟荡着情。)The sky is so blue, the clouds are floating gently.(天是那么蓝,云在轻......


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